An Architectural Framwork for VLSI Time-Recursive Computation with Applications

An Architectural Framwork for VLSI Time-Recursive Computation with Applications

Title : An Architectural Framwork for VLSI Time-Recursive Computation with Applications
Authors :
Frantzeskakis, Emmanuel

Journal : Ph. D. Thesis Number: CSHCN PhD 93-6
December 31, 1993

By using this architectural framework we obtain novel architectures for the uniform-DFT QMF bank, the cosine modulated QMF bank, the 1-D and 2-D Modulated Lapped Transform (MLT), as well as an Extended Lapped Transform (ELT). Furthermore, the architectural implementation of the Cepstral Transform and a Short Time Fourier Transform are considered based on the time-recursive architecture of the DFT. All of the above designs are modular, regular, with local communication and linear cost in operator counts. In particular, the 1-D MLT requires 2N + 3 mulitpliers, 3N + 3 adders and N – 1 rotation circuits, where N denotes the data block size. The 2-D MLT requires 3 1-D MLT circuits and no matrix transposition. The ELT has basis length equal to 4N and it requires 3N + 4 multipliers, 4N + 4 adders and N + 2 rotation circuits. These results are expected to have a significant impact on real-time audio and video data compression, in frequency domain adaptive filtering and in spectrum analysis.

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